Geometric Analysis

Research Training Network, a project of the European Commission

CONTRACT NUMBER: HPRN-CT-1999-00118  -  COORDINATOR: Nicolae Teleman

Home Network News Events Positions Publications Teams Young Researchers

Team nr. 7


1. Prof. Jean-Paul Brasselet, Université de Marseille and CNRS, the coordinator of the team
2. Dr Anne Pichon, maitre de conférence, Université de Marseille
3. Dr Laetitia Ladurelli, assistant,  Université de Marseille

Research Topics:

characteristic classes, singular varieties, stratification, desingularization, intersection homology

Young Researchers:

Markus Pflaum (Berlin, Germany),  1 October 2001 -- 31 March 2002


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Last update: 01/04/2004.