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Publications of the members of the network130. A. Legrand, S. Moroianu, On the $L^p$-index of spin Dirac operators on conical manifolds, preprint 2004. 129. J. Bellissard, J. Kellendonk, A. Legrand, Gap-labelling for three dimensional aperiodic solids, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.332, Serie I, p.1-5, 2001. 128. R. Lauter, B. Monthubert and V. Nistor Pseudodifferential analysis on groupoids and singular spaces, Documenta Math., 2000, 5, 625--655 127. R. Lauter, B. Monthubert and V. Nistor, Invariance spectrale des algebres d'operateurs pseudodifferentiels, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, Comptes Rendus Mathematique. Academie des Sciences. Paris, 334, 2002, 12, 1095--1099 126. R. Lauter, B. Monthubert and V. Nistor, Spectral invariance for certain algebras of pseudodifferential operators, To appear in Journal of the Inst. of Math. of Jussieu 125. J.P. Brasselet and M. Pflaum, On the homology of algebras of Whitney functions, Preprint Institut de Math. Luminy, 2002-02. Submitted. 124. J.P. Brasselet, J. Schurmann and S. Yokura, Hirzebruch classes and motivic Chern classes for singular (complex) algebraic varieties, Preprint 2004. 123. K. Falk and B.O. Stratmann, Constructing restricted Patterson measures for geometrically infinite Kleinian groups, Preprint, 2002, submitted to Ann. Of Global Anal. and Geometry. 122. K. Falk, A note on Myrberg points and ergodicity, Preprint, 2002, submitted to Math. Scand. 121. P.-A.. Cherix, F. Martin and A. Valette, Spaces with measured walls, Haagerup property and property (T), Preprint 2003, to appear in Ergodic Th. & Dynam. Systems. 120. C. Vernicos, The macroscopic spectrum of nilmanifolds with an emphasis on the Heisenberg group, Preprint, 2002 119. P.A. Nagy and C. Vernicos, The length of harmonic forms on a compact Riemannian manifold, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 356, No.6, 2501-2513 (2004) 118. T. Kappeler, B Grebert, Density of finite gap potentials for the Zakharov-Shabat system, Asym. Anal. 33 (2003) 117. T. Kappeler, B Grebert, Perturbations of the defocusing NLS equation with periodic boundary conditions, Milan J. of Math. 71(2003), 141-174 116. P.A. Blaga, On the Morita Invariance of the Cyclic Homology of Superalgebras, submitted. 115. F. Girelli, T. Krajewski, P. Martinetti, An algebraic Birkhoff decomposition for the continuous renormalization group, to appear in J. Math. Phys. 114. R.Popescu, Equivariant E-theory for groupoids acting on C*-algebras, Journal of Functional Analysis, 2004,(209) 247-292 113. R. Severino, J. Sousa Ramos and S.Vinagre, Topological invariants in nonlinear boundary value problems. Submitted for publication, 2004. 112. J. Alves and J. Sousa Ramos, Kneading theory for tree maps. Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Syst. (2004). 111. L. Rocha and J. Sousa Ramos, IFS with overlaps and Hausdorff dimension. Grazer Mathematische Berichte, 346 (2004) 355-376. 110. D. Mendes and J. Sousa Ramos, Kneading theory for triangular maps, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 10 (2) (2004) 421-450. 109. D. Andrica -- Some Homotopy Invariants of Certain Complements and One of Their Applications , in D. Andrica, P. Blaga, Z. Kasa and F. Szenkovits (eds.) Proceedings of "Bolyai 200" International Conference on Geometry and Topology, Cluj University Press, 2003, pp.131--136 108. Cornel Pintea -- The Complement of Certain Family of Fibers and Some of Its Homotopy Invariants in a Problem of Topologically Critical Points, in D. Andrica and P.A. Blaga (eds.), Recent Advances in Geometry and Topology, Cluj University Press, 2004, pp. 291--300 107. Cornel Pintea -- Closed Sets which Are Not C^\infty Critical, to appear in Proc. AMS 106. J. Bruening and X. Ma -- An anomaly formula for Ray-Singer metrics on manifolds with boundary 105. C.P. Niculescu, A. Stroeh, L. Zsido -- Noncommutative Extensions of Classical and Multiple Reccurence Theorems 104. J. Bruening and X. Ma -- An anomaly formula for Ray-Singer metrics on manifolds with boundary 103. J. Bruening and X. Ma -- An anomaly formula for Ray-Singer metrics on manifolds with boundary, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 335 (2002), 603-608. 102. X. Ma and J.-M. Bismut -- Holomorphic immersions and equivariant torsion forms, J. Reine Angew. Math., 575, 2004 101. D. Andrica -- New Results Concerning the Number of Critical Points in Small Codimension , in D. Andrica, P. Blaga, Z. Kasa and F. Szenkovits (eds.) Proceedings of "Bolyai 200" International Conference on Geometry and Topology, Cluj University Press, 2003, pp.47--59 100. P.A. Blaga -- Riemannian Connections on Supermanifolds: A Coordinate-free Approach, to appear in Mathematica (Cluj-Napoca) 99. P.A. Blaga -- (Co)triples and Hochschild (Co)homology of superalgebras, to appear in Mathematica (Cluj-Napoca) 98. P.A. Blaga and N. Teleman -- A Cylic Homology Theory for a Contravariant Functor 97. P.A. Blaga -- Relative Derived Functors and Hochschild (Co)homology for superalgebras, in D. Andrica, P. Blaga, Z. Kasa and F. Szenkovits (eds.) Proceedings of "Bolyai 200" International Conference on Geometry and Topology, Cluj University Press, 2003, pp.47--59 96. N. Roy -- Decomposition of Symplectic Vector Fields with Respect to a Fibration in Lagrangian Tori (PS) 95. N. Yeganefar -- Lp-cohomology of Negatively Curved Manifolds 94. G. Marinescu and N. Yeganefar -- Embeddability of Some Strongly Pseudoconvex CR Manifolds 93. N. Yeganefar -- L2-cohomology of Negatively Curved Kaehler Manifolds of Finite Volume 92. N. Roy -- Decomposition of Symplectic Vector Fields with Respect to a Fibration in Lagrangian Tori (PS) 91. N. Roy -- The Geometry of Nondegeneracy Conditions in Completely Integrable Systems (PS) 90. N. Roy -- A Semi-Classical K.A.M. Theorem (PS) 89. R. Camalès -- A Note on the Ramified Cauchy Problem (PS) 88. R. Camalès -- Explicit Formulation of the Solution of Hamada-Leray-Wagschal's Theorem (PS) 87. B. Fedosov, B.-W. Schulze and N. Tarkhanov -- On Index Theorem for Symplectic Orbifolds (PS) 86. V. Nazaikinskii, A. Savin, B.-W. Schulze and B. Sternin -- Localization (Surgery) in Elliptic Theory (PS) 85. G. Berman and N. Tarkhanov -- Quantum Dynamics in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Problem (PS) 84. V. Nazaikinskii, A. Savin, B.-W. Schulze and B. Sternin -- The Index Problem on Manifolds with Singularities (PS) 83. P. M. Gauthier and N. Tarkhanov -- A Covering Property of the Riemann Zeta-Function (PS) 82. S. T. Melo, T. Schick and E. Schrohe -- A K-Theoretic Proof of Boutet de Monvel's Index Theorem (PS) 81. S. Coriasco, E. Schrohe and J. Seiler -- Realizations of Differential Operators on Conic Manifolds with Boundary (PS) 80. V. Nazaikinskii, A. Savin, B.-W. Schulze and B. Sternin -- Elliptic Theory on Manifolds with Edges. I (PS) 79. V. Nazaikinskii, A. Savin, B.-W. Schulze and B. Sternin -- Manifolds with Isolated Singularities (PS) 78. B.-W. Schulze -- Crack Theory with Singularities at the Boundary (PS) 77. N. Dines, G. Harutjunjan and B.-W. Schulze -- The Zaremba Problem in Edge Sobolev Spaces (PS) 76. G. De Donno and B.-W. Schulze -- Meromorphic Symbolic Structures for Boundary Value Problems on Manifolds with Edges (PS) 75. N. Dines and B.-W. Schulze -- Mellin-Edge Representation of Elliptic Operators (PS) 74. T. Krainer and B.-W. Schulze -- The Conormal Symbolic Structure of Corner Boundary Value Problems (PS) 73. V. Nazaikinskii, A. Savin, B.-W. Schulze and B. Sternin -- Eta Invariant and the Spectral Flow (PS) 72. B.-W. Schulze -- Toeplitz Operators and Ellipticity of Boundary Value Problems with Global Projection Conditions (PS) 71. G. Harutjunjan and B.-W. Schulze -- Asymptotics and Relative Index on a Cylinder with Conical Cross Section (PS) 70. B.-W. Schulze and J. Seiler -- Pseudodifferential Boundary Value Problems with Global Projection Conditions (PS) 69. Jean-Paul Brasselet, André Legrand and Nicolae Teleman -- Hochschild Homology of Singular Algebras (abstract) 68. Gerd Grubb and Elmar Schrohe -- Traces and Quasi-Traces on the Boutet de Monvel Algebra (PS) 67. Bernd Ammann -- The Smallest Dirac Eigenvalue in a Spin-Conformal Class and Cmc-Immersions, Hamburger Beiträge zur Mathematik, Heft 175, 30.04.2003 (PS) 66. V. Nazaikinskii, A. Savin and B.-W. Schulze -- Elliptic Theory on Manifolds with Nonisolated Singularities V. Index Formulas for Elliptic Problems on Manifolds with Edges (PS) 65. A. Oliaro and B.-W. Schulze -- Parameter-dependent Boundary Value Problems on Manifolds with Edges (PS) 64. V. Nazaikinskii, A. Savin and B.-W. Schulze -- Elliptic Theory on Manifolds with Nonisolated Singularities IV. Obstructions to Elliptic Problems on Manifolds with Edges (PS) 63. V. Nazaikinskii, A. Savin and B.-W. Schulze -- Elliptic Theory on Manifolds with Nonisolated Singularities III. The Spectral Flow of Families of Conormal Symbols (PS) 62. L. Maniccia and B.-W. Schulze -- An Algebra of Meromorphic Corner Symbols (PS) 61. V. Nazaikinskii, A. Savin and B.-W. Schulze -- Elliptic Theory on Manifolds with Nonisolated Singularities II. Products in Elliptic Theory of Manifolds with Edges (PS) 60. V. Nazaikinskii, A. Savin and B.-W. Schulze -- Elliptic Theory on Manifolds with Nonisolated Singularities I. The Index of Families of Cone-Degenerate Operators (PS) 59. B.-W. Schulze and J. Seiler -- Edge Operators with Conditions of Toeplitz Type (PS) 58. E. Schrohe and J. Seiler -- The Resolvent of Closed Extensions of Cone Differential Operators, Can. J. Math. (to appear) (PS) 57. Bernd Ammann, Robert Lauter and Victor Nistor -- On the Geometry of Riemannian Manifolds with a Lie Structure a Infinity (PS) 56. Bernd Ammann, Robert Lauter Victor Nistor and András Vasy -- Complex Powers and Non-Compact Manifolds (PS) 55. Bernd Ammann, Robert Lauter and Victor Nistor -- Pseudodifferential Operators on Manifolds with a Lie Structure a Infinity (PS) 54.Christian Bär, Paul Gauduchon and Andrei Moroianu -- Generalized Cylinders in Semi-Riemannian and Spin Geometry (PS) 53. R. Lauter and S. Moroianu -- An Index Formula on Manifolds with Fibered Cusps (PS) 52. R. Lauter and S. Moroianu -- Homology of Pseudodifferential Operators on Manifolds with Fibered Cusps (to appear in Transactions A.M.S.) (PS) 51. S. Moroianu -- K-Theory of Suspended Pseudo-Differential Operators (PS) 50.S. Coriasco and B.-W. Schulze -- Edge Problems on Configurations with Model Cones of Different Dimensions (PS) 49. A. Oliaro and B.-W. Schulze -- Parameter-dependent Boundary Value Problems on Manifolds with Edges (PS) 48.Cornel Pintea -- The Homology and Homotopy Groups of the Complement of Certain Family of Fibers in a Critical Point Problem (PS) 47.Cornel Pintea -- Some Pairs of Manifolds with infinite uncountable j - Category (PS) 46.Dorin Andrica and Cornel Pintea -- The Minimum Number of Zeros of Lipschitz-Killing Curvature (PS) 45.George Marinescu and Tien-Cuong Dinh -- Compactification of Hyperconcave Ends (PS) 44.Christian Bär and Sergiu Moroianu -- Heat Kernel Asymptotics for Roots of Generalized Laplacians (PS) 43.Christian Bär and Sven Schopka -- The Dirac Determinant of Spherical Space Forms (PS) 42.Christian Bär and Mattias Dahl -- Small Eigenvalues of the Conformal Laplacian, (PS) 41. Paul Blaga -- Morita invariance of the Hochschild homology of superalgebras 40. S. T. Melo, R. Nest and E. Schrohe -- K-Theory of Boutet de Monvel's Algebra, in "Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Groups (Warsaw 2001)", Banach Center Publications, vol. 61, pp. 149-156, Warszawa 2003 (PS) 39. S. T. Melo, R. Nest and E. Schrohe -- C*-Structure and K-Theory of Boutet de Monvel's Algebra, J. Reine Angew Math (Crelle), 561, 145-175 (2003) (PS) 38. G. Harutjunjan and B.-W. Schulze -- Reduction of Orders in Boundary Value Problems without the Transmission Property (PS) 37. Jörg Schürmann -- A Generalized Verdier-Type Riemann-Roch Theorem for Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson Classes (PS) 36. Sandro Coriasco, Elmar Schrohe and Joerg Seiler -- Differential Operators on Conic Manifolds: Maximal Regularity and Parabolic Equations , Bull. Soc. Roy. Sc. Liege, 70(2001), fasc. 4-5-6, 207-229 35. Sergiu Moroianu -- Adiabatic Limits of Eta and Zeta Functions of Elliptic Operators, Hamburger Beitraege zur Mathematik, no. 128 (PS) 34. Gábor P. Nagy -- On the Tangent Algebra of Algebraic Commutative Moufang Loops (PS) 33. Zsolt Muzsnay -- Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variations on Lie Groups (PS) 32. Bogdan Bojarski and Andrzej Weber -- Generalized Riemann-Hilbert Problem Transmission and Boundary Value Problems, Fredholm Pairs and Bordisms, to appear in Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 50 (2002), no. 4 (PS) 31. Bernd Ammann and Christian Bär -- Dirac Eigenvalues Estimates on Surfaces, Hamburger Beitraege zu Mathematik , nr., 118 (PS) 30. Dorin Andrica and Louis Funar --The Minimal Number of Critical Points of Maps Between Manifolds of the Same Dimension (PS) 29. S. Coriasco, E. Schrohe and J. Seiler -- Bounded Imaginary Powers of Differential Operators on Manifolds with Conical Singularities, Math. Zeit., 244, 235-269 (2003) (PS) 28. Eric Leichtnam and Paolo Piazza -- Dirac Index Classes and the Noncommutative Spectral Flow (PS) 27.Claudio D'Antoni and László Zsidó -- Analytic Extension of Vector Valued Functions (PS) 26. Tomasz Maszczyk and Andrzej Weber -- Koszul Duality for Modules over Lie Algebras, to appear in Duke Math. Jour. (PS) 25. Alexandru Kristály and Csaba Varga -- Cerami (C) Condition and Mountain Pass Theorem for Multivalued Mappings (PS) 24. Alexandru Kristály and Csaba Varga -- Characterization of Coerciveness for Single-Valued and Set-Valued Mappings Versus thei Palais-Smale Condition (PS) 23. Alexandru Kristály and Csaba Varga -- Location and Multiplicity Results for Multivalued Functionals (PS) 22. Bogdan Bojarski, Piotr Hajlasz and Pawel Strzelecki -- Pointwise Inequalities for Sobolev Functions Revisited (PS) 21. Andrzej Weber -- K-Theory of Boundary Value Problem (PS) 20. Andrzej Weber-- Formality of Equivariant Intersection Cohomology of Algebraic Varieties (PS) 19. T. Kappeler, S. Kuksin and V. Schroeder -- Perturbations of the Harmonic Map Equation (PS) 18. Yu. Egorov, V. Kondratiev and B.-W. Schulze -- On Completeness of Eigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator on a Manifold with Conical Points (PS) 17. Joachim Cuntz -- Non-Commutative Simplicial Complexes and the Baum-Connes Conjecture (PS) 16. Eric Leichtnam and Paolo Piazza -- On Higher Eta-Invariants and Metrics of Positive Scalar Curvature (PS) 15. T. Kreiner and B.-W. Schulze -- Long-time Asymptotics with Geometric Singularities in the Spatial Variables (PS) 14. Daniele Guido and Tommaso Isola -- Fractals in Noncommutative Geometry (PS) 13. V. Rabinovich, B.-W. Schulze and N. Tarkhanov -- C*-Algebras of SIO's with Oscillating Symbols (PS) 12. D. Kapanadze, B.-W. Schulze -- Pseudo-Differential Crack Theory (PS) 11. Boris Fedosov, Bert-Wolfgang Schulze and Nikolai Tarkhanov -- Analytic Index Formula for Elliptic Corner Operators (PS) 10. Christian Bär and Mattias Dahl -- Surgery and the Spectrum of the Dirac Operator (PS) 9. Christian Bär and Alexander Strohmaier -- Semi-Bounded Restrictions of Dirac Type Operators and the Unique Continuation Property (PS) 8. Christian Bär -- The Dirac Operator on Hyperbolic Manifolds of Finite Volume (PS) 7. Bernd Ammann -- A Spin-Conformal Lower Bound of the First Positive Dirac Eigenvalue, Preprint 96/2000 Hamburger Beitraege zur Mathematik (PS) 6. Bernd Ammann -- Spectral Estimates on 2-tori, Preprint 95/2000 Hamburger Beitraege zur Mathematik (PS) 5. Sandro Coriasco and Paolo Panarese -- Fourier Integral Operators Defined by Classical Symbols with Exit Behaviour, Math. Nachr. 242 (2002), 61-78. 4. Nicolae Teleman -- Combinatorial Thom-Hirzebruch Characteristic Classes, Preprint IHES M/99/57 (1999) (PS) 3. Nicolae Teleman -- Localization of Hochschild Homology (PS) 2. Jean-Paul Brasselet -- Singularities and Noncommutative Geometry, Lectures delivered at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge (PS) 1. Nicolae Teleman -- Local Singular Differential Calculus and Chern Character on Combinatorial Manifolds, Preprint IHES, M/00/72 (October, 2000) (PS)
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