Geometric Analysis

Research Training Network, a project of the European Commission

CONTRACT NUMBER: HPRN-CT-1999-00118  -  COORDINATOR: Nicolae Teleman

Universität Potsdam
Institut für Mathematik

Arbeitsgruppe "Partielle Differentialgleichungen und Komplexe Analysis"

Geometric Analysis

A Workshop and Fall School of the
EU Research and Training Network
"Geometric Analysis"
and the Clay Mathematics Institute

Potsdam, October 2 - 6, 2000

Monday, October 2:

09:00-09:45    N.  Teleman (Ancona)
                           Localized Chern character

10:00-10:45    J.-M. Bismut (Paris)
                     Secondary invariants in real and complex geometry

10:45-11:15    Tea and Coffee

11:15-12:00    B.-W. Schulze (Potsdam)
                  Operator algebras on spaces with geometric singularities

12:15-13:00    G. Mendoza (Philadelphia)
                     On elliptic equivalence of vector bundles

13:00              Lunch

14:30-15:10    U. Bunke (Göttingen)
                   On functoriality of Lott's secondary indices

15:25-16:05     D. Andrica (Cluj-Napoca)
                    Topological critical points : new results and open problems

16:05              Tea and Coffee

16:30-17:00    G. Rozenblum (Göteborg)
                  Unusual index formulas for pseudodifferential operators with operator-valued symbols

17:10-17:40    X. Ma (Berlin)
                   Functoriality of real analytic torsion forms

17:50-18:20    N. Tarkhanov (Potsdam)
                   The index of elliptic corner operators

Tuesday, October 3:

09:00-09:45     J.-M. Bismut (Paris)
                      Secondary invariants in real and complex geometry

10:00-10:45    B.-W. Schulze (Potsdam)
                  Operator algebras on spaces with geometric singularities

10:45-11:15    Tea and Coffee

11:15-12:00    M. Karoubi (Paris)
                     The role of differential forms in algebraic topology

12:15-13:00    J. Brüning (Berlin)
                  Resolvent expansion for isolated singularities

13:00              Lunch

14:30-15:10    R. Nest (Copenhagen)
                    Index theorems in Poisson geometry and applications to analysis

15:25-16:05    E. Schrohe (Potsdam)
                   Hochschild cohomology of Boutet de Monvel's algebra

16:05              Tea and Coffee

16:30-17:00    A. Savin (Moskau)
                  Eta-invariant of even order operators

17:10-17:40    R. Lauter (Mainz)
                     An index formula for pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with corners

17:50-18:20    A. Weber (Warsaw)
                    Local hard Lefschetz for singular varieties

Wednesday, October 4:

09:00-09:45    B.-W. Schulze (Potsdam)
                  Operator algebras on spaces with geometric singularities

10:00-10:45    M. Karoubi (Paris)
                      The role of differential forms in algebraic topology

10:45-11:15    Tea and Coffee

11:15-12:00    N.  Teleman (Ancona)
                           Localized Chern character

12:00              Lunch

Thursday, October 5:

09:00-09:45    A. Connes (Bures-sur-Yvette)
                      Localized index theorem

10:00-10:45    N.  Teleman (Ancona)
                     Localized Chern character

10:45-11:15    Tea and Coffee

11:15-12:00    J.-M. Bismut (Paris)
                     Secondary invariants in real and complex geometry

12:15-13:00    V. Nistor (University Park)
                    Some results on pseudodifferential operators and groupoids

13:00              Lunch

14:30-15:10    V. Nazaykinskiy (Moscow)
                     On surgery in elliptic theory

15:25-16:05   M. de Gosson (Karlskrona)
                     Signature cocycles and the Leray index

16:05              Tea and Coffee

16:30-17:00    D. Grieser (Berlin)
                    Symmetry breaking and eigenvalue optimization

17:10-17:40    S. Moroianu (Bucharest)
                  On Witten's global anomaly formula and the adiabatic algebra

17:50-18:20    N.N.

Friday, October 6:

09:00-09:45     P. F. Baum (University Park)
                      Equivariant Chern character

10:00-10:45    A. Connes (Bures-sur-Yvette)
                    Localized index theorem

10:45-11:15    Tea and Coffee

11:15-12:00    N.  Teleman (Ancona)
                     Localized Chern character

12:15-13:00   Ch. Bär (Hamburg)
                    Dependence on the spin structure of the Dirac spectrum

13:00              Lunch

14:30-15:10    B. Monthubert (Toulouse)
                  K-theory of the indicial algebra of a manifold with corners

15:25-16:05     B. Ammann (Hamburg)
                    The first positive eigenvalue of the Dirac operator

16:05              Tea and Coffee

16:30-17:00    N.N.

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Last update: 01/03/2004.